Sunday, March 29, 2009

Below is an article written by actress Jenny McCarthy that appeared on What does this have to do with belief? Well, it has a lot to do with MY BELIEF. Read it...
Jenny McCarthy: My son's recovery from autism
By Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey
Special to CNN
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Actress Jenny McCarthy believes that vaccines could have contributed to her son's autism.
(CNN) -- In light of the recent Hannah Poling decision, in which the federal court conceded that vaccines could have contributed to her autism, we think the tide is finally turning in the direction of parents like us who have been shouting concerns from our rooftops for years.
Autism is a debilitating disorder, which according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is suffered by 1 in 150 kids, making it more common than childhood cancer, diabetes and AIDS combined.
Recently, England and Ireland reported that autism is affecting one in 58 individuals.
Is it any wonder that autism has become many new parents' No. 1 fear?
We've met some of the most amazing moms and dads who are forging their own path to prevention and recovery. When our son, Evan, was diagnosed with autism we were lucky enough to benefit from their knowledge and experience. Evan has been healed to a great extent by many breakthroughs that, while perhaps not scientifically proven, have definitely helped Evan and many other children who are recovering from autism. Video Parents vs. scientists: Watch the latest test case »
There are some who wonder what we mean when we say "recovering" from autism. They confuse the word recover with cure. While you may not be able to cure an injury caused in a terrible car accident, you can recover; you can regain many skills that you once lost. In the case of autism, we think there are treatments that often bring about such healing, so that the observable symptoms of the condition no longer exist. Even though we may no longer see any symptoms of autism, we can't say a child is "cured" because we do not know what they would have been like had they never been injured.
We believe what helped Evan recover was starting a gluten-free, casein-free diet, vitamin supplementation, detox of metals, and anti-fungals for yeast overgrowth that plagued his intestines. Once Evan's neurological function was recovered through these medical treatments, speech therapy and applied behavior analysis helped him quickly learn the skills he could not learn while he was frozen in autism. After we implemented these therapies for one year, the state re-evaluated Evan for further services. They spent five minutes with Evan and said, "What happened? We've never seen a recovery like this."
Evan is now 5 years old and what might surprise a lot of you is that we've never been contacted by a single member of the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, or any other health authority to evaluate and understand how Evan recovered from autism. When Evan meets doctors and neurologists, to this day they tell us he was misdiagnosed -- that he never had autism to begin with. It's as if they are wired to believe that children can't recover from autism. Video Watch CDC chief on vaccines, autism »
So where's the cavalry? Where are all the doctors beating down our door to take a closer look at Evan? We think we know why they haven't arrived. Most of the parents we've met who have recovered their child from autism as we did (and we have met many) blame vaccines for their child's autism.
We think our health authorities don't want to open this can of worms, so they don't even look or listen. While there is strong debate on this topic, many parents of recovered children will tell you they didn't treat their child for autism; they treated them for vaccine injury. Read about latest fight over vaccines and autism.
Many people aren't aware that in the 1980s our children received only 10 vaccines by age 5, whereas today they are given 36 immunizations, most of them by age 2. With billions of pharmaceutical dollars, could it be possible that the vaccine program is becoming more of a profit engine then a means of prevention?
We believe autism is an environmental illness. Vaccines are not the only environmental trigger, but we do think they play a major role. If we are going to solve this problem and finally start to reverse the rate of autism, we need to consider changing the vaccine schedule, reducing the number of shots given and removing certain ingredients that could be toxic to some children.
We take into account that some children have reactions to medicines like penicillin, for example, yet when it comes to vaccines we are operating as if our kids have a universal tolerance for them. We are acting like ONE SIZE FITS ALL. That is, at the very least, a huge improbability.
Even if the CDC is not convinced of a link between vaccines and autism, changing the vaccine schedule should be seriously considered as a precautionary measure.
We wish to state, very clearly, that we are not against all vaccines, but we do believe there is strong evidence to suggest that some of the ingredients may be hazardous and that our children are being given too many, too soon!
So...back to belief... I believe MANY health problems are created and/or covered up because of greed. I also believe that Market America cares. Why do I say this? Because they have an employee who has a child with autism...and they cared enough to develop a special regimen of nutraceutical products that promote a high quality of life for those living with Autism. "It is simply mind-blowing and disheartening when you read the statistics about children afflicted with Autism," said Marty Weissman, executive vice president of Market America. "One out of every 150 children is diagnosed with Autism and 67 new children are diagnosed per day. As a company founded on science based products, it is time that we use our expertise to support the health of these children."
"The consensus...was that children with Autism need nutritional supplementation that is complete and easy to take," Said Dr. Julian Blumenfeld, Chief Medical Officer at Market America. "Current products on the market are not complete and do not enhance patient compliance. With our advanced Isotonix® delivery system we can offer nutritional supplementation designed for children that is easy to taste and tolerate. Enhancing compliance is critical for the efficacy of children's supplementation and will make the parents lives so much easier."
I believe!!!
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Orlampa Enterprises is an internet based product broker specializing in personalized health and wellness related services. Orlampa Enterprises is primed to continue its growth by duplicating its successful business model of educating, training, and developing entrepreneurial leaders as business partners. As an Unfranchise™ business owner, Orlampa Enterprises, proudly utilizes highly researched products including nutraMetrix® nutritional supplements.
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Contact Beth at or 727.492.8212 for more information about nutraMetrix® partnership opportunities available.
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