Friday, December 14, 2012

Plethora of diseases caused by low vitamin D

Plethora of diseases caused by low vitamin D
By Rebecca Smith
Courtesy of The Telegraph - UK

A lack of awareness about vitamin D deficiency and the 'plethora' of disease it is linked to is fueling a rise in preventable illnesses among children, experts at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health have said. 
Despite low cost supplements being widely available health care professionals and parents do not know the importance of taking them, they said.Doctors have said the poor summer weather will contribute to an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency as the lack of sunshine will have meant depleted stores of the vitamin which the body can make from sunlight. 
The College has launched a campaign to ensure all pregnant women, those breastfeeding, children aged between six months and five years and the elderly aged over 65 take vitamin D supplements in accordance with guidelines.It comes as figures show that cases of rickets, poor bone growth causing pain and bowed legs, have risen fourfold in the last 15 years.  In 1995/6 there were 183 recorded cases in England which rose to 762 in 2010/11. But experts believe many more cases are going undiagnosed and some are seeing cases on a weekly basis.
The College warned that only one in ten people get enough vitamin D from food and sunlight so supplementation is necessary. 

An investigation into the effects of wider artificial fortification of foods should also be undertaken the College said.Vitamin D can be found naturally in some margarines, eggs and in oily fish but it can be added to milk and cereals. 

Vitamin D deficiency is known to increase the risk of diabetes, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis and rickets and a quarter of children and around half of the white adults have a serious lack of the vitamin. 

Professor Mitch Blair, Officer for Health Promotion at the RCPCH, said: “We know vitamin D deficiency is a growing problem – and localized research reveals startling high levels of vitamin deficiency amongst certain groups including children. 

“People can only get a fraction of their recommended daily amount of vitamin D through food and very little from sunlight. So getting out in the sun more or eating more oily fish isn’t going to solve the problem. 

"Lack of vitamin D is related to a plethora of serious illnesses in children and adults that could be prevented through relatively simple steps such as taking supplements.” 

The RCPCH is launching a campaign calling for: vitamin D supplements to be readily available at low-cost and high quality; an investigation into the pros and cons of further fortification of food with vitamin D; professional guidance for health care professionals on how to diagnose and treat diseases linked to vitamin D deficiency; and a public awareness campaign. 

Professor Blair added: “The Government’s ‘Healthy Start’ program provides vitamins free to low income families and ‘at risk’ groups. But these vitamins appear to be in short supply and uptake is low. 

"Ensuring people are aware that they’re available is crucial – and there is some evidence to suggest we need to make these supplements more readily available for the wider population, which is already happening in some countries. 

“And equally as important is making sure that all health care professionals can spot the signs of vitamin D deficiency in children; aches and pains, poor growth, muscle weakness and seizures – and make sure they get appropriately treated.” 

The RCPCH is producing a series of leaflets for pediatricians and other health care professionals highlighting the signs of vitamin D deficiency in patients to be published in spring 2013. 


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