Thursday, December 27, 2012

Many primary-care doctors want help treating obesity

Many primary-care doctors want help treating obesity (they just don't know THE PROGRAM DESIGNED FOR THEM exists)

Updated: Dec 21, 2012 2:22 PM EST

 FRIDAY, Dec. 21 (HealthDay News) -- Only 44 percent of primary-care doctors say they've helped obese patients lose weight, and many believe that nutritionists and dietitians are the most qualified care providers for these patients, researchers have found.
 For the new study, researchers surveyed 500 primary-care doctors across the United States in order to get their views about the causes of obesity, their ability to treat obese patients, ways to improve obesity care and which health professionals are most qualified to care for obese patients.

"In order to begin improving obesity care, medical education should focus on enhancing those obesity-related skills primary-care physicians feel most qualified to deliver, as well as changing the composition of health care teams and practice resources," study lead author Sara Bleich, an assistant professor in the health policy and management department at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, said in a school news release.

"With respect to training and practice-based changes [that] primary-care physicians would like to see implemented, 93 percent reported that including body-mass index (or BMI, a measurement based on height and weight) as a fifth vital sign would be helpful; 89 percent reported that including diet and exercise tips in patients' charts would be helpful; 85 percent reported that having scales that calculate BMI would be helpful; and 69 percent reported that adding BMI to patients' charts would be helpful," Bleich said.
The investigators also found that primary-care doctors who had been in practice for fewer than 20 years following completion of medical school were more likely to say two important causes of obesity were lack of information about good eating habits and lack of access to healthy food.

"There are few differences in primary-care physicians' perspectives about the causes of obesity or solutions to improve care, regardless of when they completed medical school, suggesting that obesity-related medical education has changed little over time," Bleich said.

"Physicians who completed medical school more recently reported feeling more successful helping obese patients lose weight," she added. "However, no matter when they completed medical school they overwhelmingly supported additional training and practice-based changes to help them improve their obesity care."

"At TLS, we help physicians help their patients"

Orlampa Enterprises, Inc. specializes in helping individuals, groups, & companies lose sickness and find wellness through the implementation of science based wellness programs.

Orlampa Enterprises also helps health care professionals implement holistic wellness programs into their existing practices with the goal to educate both the health care providers, their staffs, and the patients. The programs, which provide the health care professional with a substantial additional income stream in this ever changing medical marketplace, allow the patient to achieve true wellness instead of receiving a traditional treatment for symptoms.

Orlampa Enterprises is an internet based product broker specializing in personalized health and wellness related services. Orlampa Enterprises is primed to continue its growth by duplicating its successful business model of educating, training, and developing entrepreneurial leaders as business partners. As an Unfranchise™ business owner, Orlampa Enterprises, proudly utilizes highly researched products including nutraMetrix® nutritional supplements. 

 Orlampa Enterprises' motto is "Eat well, exercise, and supplement intelligently."

Contact Beth at or 727.492.8212 for more information about nutraMetrix® partnership opportunities available.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Plethora of diseases caused by low vitamin D

Plethora of diseases caused by low vitamin D
By Rebecca Smith
Courtesy of The Telegraph - UK

A lack of awareness about vitamin D deficiency and the 'plethora' of disease it is linked to is fueling a rise in preventable illnesses among children, experts at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health have said. 
Despite low cost supplements being widely available health care professionals and parents do not know the importance of taking them, they said.Doctors have said the poor summer weather will contribute to an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency as the lack of sunshine will have meant depleted stores of the vitamin which the body can make from sunlight. 
The College has launched a campaign to ensure all pregnant women, those breastfeeding, children aged between six months and five years and the elderly aged over 65 take vitamin D supplements in accordance with guidelines.It comes as figures show that cases of rickets, poor bone growth causing pain and bowed legs, have risen fourfold in the last 15 years.  In 1995/6 there were 183 recorded cases in England which rose to 762 in 2010/11. But experts believe many more cases are going undiagnosed and some are seeing cases on a weekly basis.
The College warned that only one in ten people get enough vitamin D from food and sunlight so supplementation is necessary. 

An investigation into the effects of wider artificial fortification of foods should also be undertaken the College said.Vitamin D can be found naturally in some margarines, eggs and in oily fish but it can be added to milk and cereals. 

Vitamin D deficiency is known to increase the risk of diabetes, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis and rickets and a quarter of children and around half of the white adults have a serious lack of the vitamin. 

Professor Mitch Blair, Officer for Health Promotion at the RCPCH, said: “We know vitamin D deficiency is a growing problem – and localized research reveals startling high levels of vitamin deficiency amongst certain groups including children. 

“People can only get a fraction of their recommended daily amount of vitamin D through food and very little from sunlight. So getting out in the sun more or eating more oily fish isn’t going to solve the problem. 

"Lack of vitamin D is related to a plethora of serious illnesses in children and adults that could be prevented through relatively simple steps such as taking supplements.” 

The RCPCH is launching a campaign calling for: vitamin D supplements to be readily available at low-cost and high quality; an investigation into the pros and cons of further fortification of food with vitamin D; professional guidance for health care professionals on how to diagnose and treat diseases linked to vitamin D deficiency; and a public awareness campaign. 

Professor Blair added: “The Government’s ‘Healthy Start’ program provides vitamins free to low income families and ‘at risk’ groups. But these vitamins appear to be in short supply and uptake is low. 

"Ensuring people are aware that they’re available is crucial – and there is some evidence to suggest we need to make these supplements more readily available for the wider population, which is already happening in some countries. 

“And equally as important is making sure that all health care professionals can spot the signs of vitamin D deficiency in children; aches and pains, poor growth, muscle weakness and seizures – and make sure they get appropriately treated.” 

The RCPCH is producing a series of leaflets for pediatricians and other health care professionals highlighting the signs of vitamin D deficiency in patients to be published in spring 2013. 


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Belief- As it Relates to Autism

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Below is an article written by actress Jenny McCarthy that appeared on What does this have to do with belief? Well, it has a lot to do with MY BELIEF. Read it...

Jenny McCarthy: My son's recovery from autism

By Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey
Special to CNN
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Actress Jenny McCarthy believes that vaccines could have contributed to her son's autism.

(CNN) -- In light of the recent Hannah Poling decision, in which the federal court conceded that vaccines could have contributed to her autism, we think the tide is finally turning in the direction of parents like us who have been shouting concerns from our rooftops for years.

Autism is a debilitating disorder, which according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is suffered by 1 in 150 kids, making it more common than childhood cancer, diabetes and AIDS combined.

Recently, England and Ireland reported that autism is affecting one in 58 individuals.

Is it any wonder that autism has become many new parents' No. 1 fear?

We've met some of the most amazing moms and dads who are forging their own path to prevention and recovery. When our son, Evan, was diagnosed with autism we were lucky enough to benefit from their knowledge and experience. Evan has been healed to a great extent by many breakthroughs that, while perhaps not scientifically proven, have definitely helped Evan and many other children who are recovering from autism. Video Parents vs. scientists: Watch the latest test case »

There are some who wonder what we mean when we say "recovering" from autism. They confuse the word recover with cure. While you may not be able to cure an injury caused in a terrible car accident, you can recover; you can regain many skills that you once lost. In the case of autism, we think there are treatments that often bring about such healing, so that the observable symptoms of the condition no longer exist. Even though we may no longer see any symptoms of autism, we can't say a child is "cured" because we do not know what they would have been like had they never been injured.

We believe what helped Evan recover was starting a gluten-free, casein-free diet, vitamin supplementation, detox of metals, and anti-fungals for yeast overgrowth that plagued his intestines. Once Evan's neurological function was recovered through these medical treatments, speech therapy and applied behavior analysis helped him quickly learn the skills he could not learn while he was frozen in autism. After we implemented these therapies for one year, the state re-evaluated Evan for further services. They spent five minutes with Evan and said, "What happened? We've never seen a recovery like this."

Evan is now 5 years old and what might surprise a lot of you is that we've never been contacted by a single member of the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, or any other health authority to evaluate and understand how Evan recovered from autism. When Evan meets doctors and neurologists, to this day they tell us he was misdiagnosed -- that he never had autism to begin with. It's as if they are wired to believe that children can't recover from autism. Video Watch CDC chief on vaccines, autism »

So where's the cavalry? Where are all the doctors beating down our door to take a closer look at Evan? We think we know why they haven't arrived. Most of the parents we've met who have recovered their child from autism as we did (and we have met many) blame vaccines for their child's autism.

We think our health authorities don't want to open this can of worms, so they don't even look or listen. While there is strong debate on this topic, many parents of recovered children will tell you they didn't treat their child for autism; they treated them for vaccine injury. Read about latest fight over vaccines and autism.

Many people aren't aware that in the 1980s our children received only 10 vaccines by age 5, whereas today they are given 36 immunizations, most of them by age 2. With billions of pharmaceutical dollars, could it be possible that the vaccine program is becoming more of a profit engine then a means of prevention?

We believe autism is an environmental illness. Vaccines are not the only environmental trigger, but we do think they play a major role. If we are going to solve this problem and finally start to reverse the rate of autism, we need to consider changing the vaccine schedule, reducing the number of shots given and removing certain ingredients that could be toxic to some children.

We take into account that some children have reactions to medicines like penicillin, for example, yet when it comes to vaccines we are operating as if our kids have a universal tolerance for them. We are acting like ONE SIZE FITS ALL. That is, at the very least, a huge improbability.

Even if the CDC is not convinced of a link between vaccines and autism, changing the vaccine schedule should be seriously considered as a precautionary measure.

We wish to state, very clearly, that we are not against all vaccines, but we do believe there is strong evidence to suggest that some of the ingredients may be hazardous and that our children are being given too many, too soon!

So...back to belief... I believe MANY health problems are created and/or covered up because of greed. I also believe that Market America cares. Why do I say this? Because they have an employee who has a child with autism...and they cared enough to develop a special regimen of nutraceutical products that promote a high quality of life for those living with Autism. "It is simply mind-blowing and disheartening when you read the statistics about children afflicted with Autism," said Marty Weissman, executive vice president of Market America. "One out of every 150 children is diagnosed with Autism and 67 new children are diagnosed per day. As a company founded on science based products, it is time that we use our expertise to support the health of these children."

"The consensus...was that children with Autism need nutritional supplementation that is complete and easy to take," Said Dr. Julian Blumenfeld, Chief Medical Officer at Market America. "Current products on the market are not complete and do not enhance patient compliance. With our advanced Isotonix® delivery system we can offer nutritional supplementation designed for children that is easy to taste and tolerate. Enhancing compliance is critical for the efficacy of children's supplementation and will make the parents lives so much easier."

I believe!!! 

Orlampa Enterprises, Inc. specializes in helping individuals, groups, & companies lose sickness and find wellness through the implementation of science based wellness programs.

Orlampa Enterprises also helps health care professionals implement holistic wellness programs into their existing practices with the goal to educate both the health care providers, their staffs, and the patients. The programs, which provide the health care professional with a substantial additional income stream in this ever changing medical marketplace, allow the patient to achieve true wellness instead of receiving a traditional treatment for symptoms.

Orlampa Enterprises is an internet based product broker specializing in personalized health and wellness related services. Orlampa Enterprises is primed to continue its growth by duplicating its successful business model of educating, training, and developing entrepreneurial leaders as business partners. As an Unfranchise™ business owner, Orlampa Enterprises, proudly utilizes highly researched products including nutraMetrix® nutritional supplements. 

 Orlampa Enterprises' motto is "Eat well, exercise, and supplement intelligently."

Contact Beth at or 727.492.8212 for more information about nutraMetrix® partnership opportunities available.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Feds keeping people sick: The Vitamin D story

This may be one of THE most important stories we've ever posted- Lose Sickness and Find Wellness agrees 100% with this doctor. We have said for years that nutraMetrix Vitamin D with K2 may be the most cost effective supplement you can add to your regimen.  Here is a great article explaining why.

Feds keeping people sick: The Vitamin D story

Dr. Lee Hieb explains how medical 'consensus' robs patients of their health

by Lee Hieb, M.D. 

No one said it better than Michael Crichton – who, in addition to being a best selling author, was also a physician.

During a lecture at Cal Tech, he said, “Let’s be clear: The work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right. … The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.”

The medical community has always been subject to “group-think,” but in recent decades we have become the leaders. Numerous physician-scientists have been ostracized, defrocked, de-licensed and in some cases driven to self-destruction by a medical community that has embraced consensus in science.

In essence, “We don’t care about your data; we all agree you are wrong.”

I once had a paper rejected from a major spine journal with a one line denouement: “Everyone knows you can’t do that.”

With time, ultimately, truth prevails, and renegade but correct physicians are vindicated – but not in time to save those patients who die from the mistaken consensus. Today, this “group-think” is depriving people from some of the best and cheapest medical treatment available – supplementation with adequate Vitamin D3.

Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with childhood rickets – a bone disorder – for over a hundred years. And it has been known since the 1970s that those living on the equator, regardless of particular locale, have lower rates of multiple sclerosis, colon cancer and depression. But more recently, many astute observers have discovered that low Vitamin D leads to many other disorders, including cardiac arrhythmia, breast cancer, adult fractures, dementia, heart attack risk and even diabetes.

Most recently, studies have demonstrated that higher levels of Vitamin D improve longevity and are beneficial at preventing influenza – even better than vaccination. Studies showing beneficial effects of high vitamin D levels are quite convincing. They not only show a correlation between low Vitamin D blood levels and the problem, but show improvement in the disease or prevention of the condition when levels are raised up through supplementation.

As an example, it has been shown in the laboratory that heart muscle does not contract well unless adequate Vitamin D is present. An Italian population study showed that low Vitamin D was proportional to atherosclerotic plaques (clogging of the arteries). Furthermore, a Japanese study of dialysis patients demonstrated that correcting Vitamin D deficiency significantly lowered death from heart attacks and heart disease in general.

These are only a few of the rapidly expanding body of literature supporting the role of Vitamin D in multiple disease prevention. But to achieve the positive effects seen in many diseases, blood levels need to be in the range of 50 to 100 ng/dl, not the 20 ng/dl that laboratories report as the lowest range of “normal” (how labs determine “normal” is the subject of another column). Specifically in the case of breast cancer, if one achieves blood levels above 55 ng/dl, the risk of breast cancer is diminished 85 percent.

It is the observation of many, many practicing clinicians that 1) most patients test in the low 20s, and 2) 400 iu of Vitamin D a day – the government recommended daily allowance doesn’t raise the levels at all. Studies of equatorial inhabitants demonstrate that some of the longest-lived people on the planet obtain 30,000-40,000 iu of Vitamin D (specifically D3) a day from the sunlight – nature’s source of the vitamin. Given that, it is not suprising that supplementing 10,000 iu a day of Vitamin D3 has been shown to have no adverse effects.

As an Orthopaedic Surgeon, I deal with bone disorders daily, and have long been interested in this topic. I quit testing for Vitamin D levels in untreated people after every one of my patients tested in the low 20s. I only tested my husband because he was convinced that golfing in Arizona 18 holes, six days a week would raise his level. It did not – his level was 22 ng/dl.
As a final fact, D3 supplementation is cheap. For less than $12 a month you can easily take 10,000 iu of Vitamin D3 a day.

Now, given all this, what would you do?

I, for one take 10,000 units of Vitamin D3 a day. I have done so for over 7 years, and my levels of 55 ng/dl are barely in the optimal range of 50-100ng/dl. I recommend the same to all my patients. But I must warn them that the government, via the Institute of Medicine and the FDA, disagree and believe people should take only 600-800 iu a day.
Now it doesn’t take a medical degree to figure out that a cheap treatment that has such potential upside with so little (if any) downside is worth doing as real preventive medicine. But the government consensus – developed by intellectuals who feel they are infinitely smarter than we are, and should be able to make our choices for us – is that there is no evidence for the beneficial claims.

Really? If they emerge from their collective basement, they will find pages and pages of references. Don’t believe it? Do a simple Google search. Or just read the newspaper. Besides frequent articles in medical and general science journals supporting Vitamin D3 supplementation, there are monthly news stories about this rapidly advancing science.
Sadly, the government doesn’t just want to discourage you from taking extra Vitamin D, they want to prohibit it. Senator Dick Durban, D-Ill., in 2011 introduced a bill (innocuously labeled the “Supplement Labeling Act”) which would so over-regulate the supplement industry that they could no longer supply products such as Vitamin D3 at a cost affordable to the average consumer.

And state medical boards, which are now populated by many non-physicians, sanction physicians who step out of this approved “consensus” – what they call “standard of care.” According to them, if you are not doing what 90 percent of your colleagues are doing, you are by definition wrong. And they can punish you, even to the extent of taking away your license. So, regardless of progress in science, if 90 percent of doctors are recommending an inadequate dose of Vitamin D, your doctor must give you this wrong advice.

To be a scientific leader in this new world order is to be wrong. If the phone company had this philosophy, we would still be tied to land line rotary dials.

Science and medicine are not a vote. As Dr. Crichton pointed out, voting is for politicians. Science requires freedom to consider the alternatives, and in medicine, the freedom to make our own choices – not have government bureaucrats or the Institute of Medicine make them for us.

Learn more about one of the most effective Vitamin D3 supplements on the market:

nutraMetrix Isotonix® Vitamin D with K2

Primary Benefits of nutraMetrix Isotonix® Vitamin D with K2*:

  • Promotes normal bone mineral density
  • Promotes healthy arteries
  • Supports immune health
  • Helps maintain bone health
  • Helps maintain bone mass by supporting normal osteoclast activity
  • Helps maintain cardiovascular health
  • Promotes elasticity of blood vessels
  • Helps maintain normal blood pressure
  • Women with low bone density have been found to be deficient in vitamin K

Key Ingredients Found in nutraMetrix Isotonix® Vitamin D with K2: 

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) 5000 IU
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is found in some foods and endogenously produced when sunlight strikes the skin and activates vitamin D synthesis. Vitamin D promotes the efficient intestinal absorption of calcium, primarily in the duodenum and jejunum by supporting the synthesis of calcium-binding proteins to promote normal calcium absorption and retention. Vitamin D also promotes the normal formation of bone and normal bone growth and bone remodeling by osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Vitamin D deficiency can be caused by factors such as lack of exposure to sunlight, reduced skin synthesis of vitamin D, lower dietary intake, impaired intestinal absorption and reduced metabolism to active forms of vitamin D by the kidneys, all of which increase with aging. Deficiency has been linked to numerous health concerns, and insufficient levels of this vitamin are associated with weak bones and  muscle weakness. In addition to promoting strong bones, vitamin D also has other roles in health, including supporting the body’s normal modulation of neuromuscular function and immune function. Vitamin D has been shown to support immune-modulation, and it is thought that supplementation promotes immune health by promoting the body’s normal regulation of T-cell function. In reference to cellular health, vitamin D supports the modulation of many genes that are responsible for encoding proteins that regulate normal cell cycle activity. Vitamin D levels have been strongly correlated to healthy cells. Lastly, through its interaction with VDR (vitamin D receptor), vitamin D supports the healthy expression of the gene encoding renin, thus helping to maintain healthy blood pressure.

Vitamin K2 45 mcg
Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin found in meat, eggs, dairy and natto. Although a fat-soluble vitamin, the body stores very little K2, and its stores are rapidly depleted without regular dietary intake. Natural vitamin K2, also known as menaquinone-7 (MK-7), is the most bioavailable form of K2 and has the longest half-life in the blood of any form of vitamin K. The Japanese soy food natto is particularly rich in menaquinone-7 (MK-7). Studies of natto consumption in Japan have linked menaquinone-7 to bone and cardiovascular health. The correlation of vitamin K to cardiovascular and bone health directly focuses on supporting proper calcium utilization, whereby adequate metabolism of calcium supports arterial and bone health. This is often referred to as the calcium paradox. The calcium paradox is explained simply as getting calcium in the right place (i.e., into the bone structures instead of the arterial vessel walls.) These events are dependent upon the synthesis of the vitamin K-dependent proteins osteocalcin and matrix Gla protein in a process called carboxylation. The carboxylation of these proteins is a post-translational step; that is, osteocalcin and matrix Gla protein are translated from their respective messenger RNA and then modified by enzymes to the active forms. These carboxylated forms support the healthy binding and releasing of calcium. This reaction is essential for optimal and healthy utilization of calcium. Vitamin K2 promotes the synthesis of proteins involved with calcium utilization, thereby supporting bone retention and arterial health. While Vitamin D supports the healthy regulation and synthesis of osteocalcin, the mineral-binding capacity of this protein requires vitamin K-dependent carboxylation and is thought to be related to bone mineralization. Gas6 is a vitamin K-dependent protein found throughout the nervous system, as well in the heart, lungs, stomach, kidneys and cartilage. Although the exact mechanism of its action has not been determined, Gas6 appears to be a cellular growth regulator involved in cellular activities such as cell adhesion, cell proliferation and protection against apoptosis.

Orlampa Enterprises, Inc. specializes in helping individuals, groups, & companies lose sickness and find wellness through the implementation of science based wellness programs.

Orlampa Enterprises also helps health care professionals implement holistic wellness programs into their existing practices with the goal to educate both the health care providers, their staffs, and the patients. The programs, which provide the health care professional with a substantial additional income stream in this ever changing medical marketplace, allow the patient to achieve true wellness instead of receiving a traditional treatment for symptoms.

Orlampa Enterprises is an internet based product broker specializing in personalized health and wellness related services. Orlampa Enterprises is primed to continue its growth by duplicating its successful business model of educating, training, and developing entrepreneurial leaders as business partners. As an Unfranchise™ business owner, Orlampa Enterprises, proudly utilizes highly researched products including nutraMetrix® nutritional supplements. 

 Orlampa Enterprises' motto is "Eat well, exercise, and supplement intelligently."

Contact Beth at or 727.492.8212 for more information about nutraMetrix® partnership opportunities available.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Evidence Shows Vitamin D Helps Slow Cancer Cells

Evidence Shows Vitamin D Helps Slow Cancer Cells

November 26, 2012
By: Lee Rannals : courtesy of

McGill University researchers have discovered vitamin D helps to slow the progression of cells of cancer from premalignant to malignant states.

The researchers reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vitamin D helps to inhibit both the production and function of the protein cMYC, which drives cell division and is active at elevated levels in more than half of all cancers.

Vitamin D has been known to have a wide range of physiological effects. Scientists have understood that a correlation exists between insufficient amounts of vitamin D and increased incidence of a number of cancers.
The correlations between the vitamin and cancers are strong for those cancers of the digestive tract, including colon cancer and certain forms of leukemia.

“For years, my lab has been dedicated to studying the molecular mechanisms of vitamin D in human cancer cells, particularly its role in stopping their proliferation,” Professor John White of the Faculty of Medicine’s Department of Physiology, said in a statement.

Vitamin D can be obtained from limited dietary sources as well as from direct exposure to the sun during the spring and summer months. Having a lack of exposure to the sun, mixed with a combination of poor dietary intake, has created vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency in large populations around the world. White said the team discovered vitamin D controls both the rate of production and the degradation of cMYC. They also found it strongly stimulates the production of a natural antagonist of cMYC known as MXD1, which shuts down cMYC function.

For the study, the researchers applied vitamin D to the skin of mice and observed a drop in the level of cMYC, discovering evidence of a decrease in its function. They also found strongly elevated levels of cMYC in a number of tissues, including skin and the lining of the colon.

“Taken together, our results show that vitamin D puts the brakes on cMYC function, suggesting that it may slow the progression of cells from premalignant to malignant states and keep their proliferation in check,” White said in the statement.

He said the team hopes the study will encourage people to maintain adequate vitamin D levels. Also, he said they hope the results will stimulate the development of large trials to test the effects of adequate supplementation.


nutraMetrix Isotonix® Vitamin D with K2

What Makes nutraMetrix Isotonix® Vitamin D with K2 Unique?
nutraMetrix Isotonix Vitamin D with K2 contains vitamin D3, the metabolically active form of vitamin D, along with vitamin K2, a form of vitamin K which supports vascular health and calcium utilization. Vitamin D plays an important role in bone health, heart health and immune support, while working with vitamin K to support normal absorption of calcium and promote healthy arteries. nutraMetrix Isotonix Vitamin D is the first of its kind to deliver both of these powerful vitamins with isotonic delivery.
Vitamin K is included in nutraMetrix Isotonix Vitamin D with K2 because of its unique partnership with vitamin D. Vitamins K and D work together to support calcium absorption and utilization. Vitamin K supports the normal delivery of calcium to the bones and promotes healthy arteries.
At least two naturally-occurring forms of vitamin K have been identified and are known as K1 and K2. While there are many similarities between these two forms of vitamin K, they are distinguished by their important differences. The most significant difference between K1 and K2 is their chemical structure which results in different pharmacokinetic properties. Vitamin K1 is retained primarily in the liver where, at high doses, it may interfere with the action of warfarin and other anticoagulant medications. 
Vitamin K2 has a different mechanism of action. It is transported primarily to bones and blood vessels. Vitamin K2 helps to maintain bone mass, support calcium utilization and promote elasticity of blood vessels.  
Some studies have concluded that vitamin K2 does not interfere with anticoagulant medications.* However, most products containing vitamin K (including K1 and/or K2) warn users taking anticoagulants not to take the product. If you are currently taking warfarin or another anticoagulant medication, you should consult your physician before taking any product containing vitamin K1 or K2.
Isotonix dietary supplements are delivered in an isotonic solution. This means that the body has less work to do to obtain maximum absorption of the nutrients. The isotonic state of the suspension allows nutrients to pass directly into the small intestine and rapidly absorb into the bloodstream. With Isotonix products, little nutritive value is lost, making the absorption of nutrients highly efficient while delivering maximum results.


Orlampa Enterprises, Inc. specializes in helping individuals, groups, & companies lose sickness and find wellness through the implementation of science based wellness programs.

Orlampa Enterprises also helps health care professionals implement holistic wellness programs into their existing practices with the goal to educate both the health care providers, their staffs, and the patients. The programs, which provide the health care professional with a substantial additional income stream in this ever changing medical marketplace, allow the patient to achieve true wellness instead of receiving a traditional treatment for symptoms.

Orlampa Enterprises is an internet based product broker specializing in personalized health and wellness related services. Orlampa Enterprises is primed to continue its growth by duplicating its successful business model of educating, training, and developing entrepreneurial leaders as business partners. As an Unfranchise™ business owner, Orlampa Enterprises, proudly utilizes highly researched products including nutraMetrix® nutritional supplements. 

 Orlampa Enterprises' motto is "Eat well, exercise, and supplement intelligently."

Contact Beth at or 727.492.8212 for more information about nutraMetrix® partnership opportunities available.



Why Healthcare and Wellness are NOT the same

Why Healthcare and Wellness are NOT the same

Why does the USA rank #1 in healthcare spending but #37 in the World Health Organization in overall quality (see lists below).  My opinion is that in the USA, we focus on sick care and not real health care or wellness care.  Due to advertising and propaganda, people have handed over the responsibility of their wellness to "healthcare system"- which is often subsidized by pharmaceutical corporations. According to data from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), at least half of all Americans take at least one prescription drug, with one in six taking three or more medications.  This is NOT an accident.  This is by design.  It's all about the dollar.  Common sense would tell us that if we spend more money on "healthcare" we would be healthier. Is this true?  No.   We are NOT getting healthier.  Look around. Do people look healthier?  Are people more active? More energetic? How many people are in chronic pain? How many people suffer from inflammation? How many children suffer from ADD and ADHD? 

How many times have you seen a television advertisement for a condition you never heard of? Do you think this is an accident?  Is this simply a way to sell more drugs?  Keep in mind, Wall Street STRONGLY encourages the CEOs of companies to expand market share.  If you were a CEO making several millions of dollars per year, would you expand market share if that's what it took to keep your job? The answer is yes, you would do whatever it took to expand market share!

Because politicians are rewarded handsomely by big pharma via contributions  (, any time healthcare reform is discussed or debated in Congress, the big pharma interest is always preserved.  At no point in time is the overall wellness of the US citizens considered.  Yes, politicians talk about taking care of the elderly and saving Medicare but they ALWAYS talk about keeping the cost of prescrpitions affordable. There is NEVER a discussion about prevention, nutrition, exercise, and supplementation.  In fact, Medicare states that "care that seeks to prevent disease, promote health, and prolong and enhance the quality of life, is not considered medically necessary."   Do you realize the power of this?  Drugs, which add to the bottom line of big pharma, are subsidized by the government but preventative measures will not be considered.  

As the White House and Congress debate deficits and debt why is NOBODY considering the cost savings of prevention?  Why are we talking about SAVING Medicare and drug benefits without discussing prevention? Whatever happened to "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?"  Shouldn't we provide incentives to Americans to BE HEALTHY and NOT UTILIZE EXPENSIVE SICK CARE?????? If the number one expense to the federal government is Medicare/healthcare, then the number one target should be to reduce the cost by increasing effectiveness-- via prevention and TRUE WELLNESS.  We should focus on eating well, exercising, and supplementing intelligently. However, eating well, exercising and supplementing intelligently doesn't feed the dragon...

People need to understand the following:
  • Our healthcare system is not based on wellness - if it was, Medicare would cover preventative measures
  • Our healthcare system IS based on profit
  • There is no incentive in our current system to HEAL patients- the incentive is to get as many people as possible on maintenance pharmaceuticals
  • The FDA has NEVER tested the long-term effects of taking multiple prescription drugs in combination.  Many of these combinations are toxic to the kidneys, liver, & other organs. What happens when symptoms arise from kidney or liver damage? More drugs???!!!!
  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month (pink ribbons) is sponsored by a pharmaceutical company. This explains why the focus is on profit driven treatment and prevention methods 
    • courtesy of "Since 1985, Zeneca Pharmaceuticals has been the sole funder of October's National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM). Zeneca's parent company, Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), is one of the world's largest manufacturers of petrochemical and chlorinated organic products -- including the plastic ingredient, vinyl chloride -- which has been directly linked to breast cancer, and the pesticide Acetochlor.  In addition, Zeneca is the sole manufacturer of Tamoxifen, the world's top-selling cancer drug used for breast cancer. In return for funding the awareness campaign, ICI/Zeneca has control and veto power over every poster, pamphlet and commercial produced by NBCAM."
So where do we go from here?  First of all, I would strongly recommend that each person find a caring health professional who understands wellness.  Openly discuss natural options to drugs with your health professional.  If your health professional seems completely closed to alternatives, find a new health professional.  Become educated.  Follow the money trail.  Utilize the internet to gather information about pharmaceuticals and procedures. Ask about options. Realize that every business, including your family physician's office, is driven by revenue-- and ultimately profit. Think about this when you receive advice

Healthcare spending by country:

 Rank           Country                                                        $ Per Capita  % of GDP

1  United States 7,164 15.2
2  Monaco 5,996 3.6
3  Luxembourg 5,750 6.8
4  Norway 5,207 8.5
5  Switzerland 4,815 10.7
6  Netherlands 4,283 9.9
7  Austria 4,150 10.2
8  Belgium 4,096 11.1
9  Germany 3,922 10.5
10  Canada 3,867 9.8
11  France 3,851 11.2
12  Denmark 3,814 9.9
13  Ireland 3,797 8.7
14  San Marino 3,690 7.1
15  Sweden 3,622 9.4
16  Iceland 3,583 9.2
17  Australia 3,365 8.5
18  Finland 3,299 8.8
19  United Kingdom 3,222 8.7
20  Andorra 3,128 7.5
21  Greece 3,010 10.1
22  Spain 2,941 9.0
23  Italy 2,836 8.7
24  Japan 2,817 8.3
25  New Zealand 2,655 9.7
26  Portugal 2,578 10.6
27  Slovenia 2,420 8.3
28  Niue 2,360 13.5
29  Israel 2,093 8.0
30  Taiwan (Republic of China)[3] 2,080 6.5
31  Slovakia 1,849 8.0
32  Cyprus 1,838 6.0
33  Singapore 1,833 3.3
34  Czech Republic 1,830 7.1
35  Korea, South 1,806 6.5
36  Bahamas, The 1,737 7.2
37  Qatar 1,691 2.0
38  Malta 1,664 7.3
39  Croatia 1,553 7.8
40  Hungary 1,506 7.2
41  Barbados 1,498 6.7
42  Estonia 1,325 6.1
43  Lithuania 1,318 6.6
44  Bahrain 1,282 3.7
45  Poland 1,271 7.0
46  Trinidad and Tobago 1,237 4.7
47  Latvia 1,206 6.6
48  Montenegro 1,162 8.4
49  Brunei 1,131 2.3
50  Chile 1,088 7.5
51  Argentina 1,062 7.4
52  Costa Rica 1,059 9.4
53  Botswana 1,053 7.6
54  Lebanon 1,009 8.8
55  Palau 991 10.8
56  Russia 985 4.8
57  Uruguay 982 7.8
58  Bulgaria 974 7.1
59  Antigua and Barbuda 958 4.7
60  Bosnia and Herzegovina 937 10.3
61  Kuwait 932 2.0
62  Panama 924 7.2
63  Seychelles 911 4.2
64  United Arab Emirates 888 2.5
65  Brazil 875 8.4
66  Serbia 867 10.0
67  Turkey 845 6.1
68  South Africa 843 8.2
69  Romania 840 5.4
70  Mexico 837 5.9
71  Saudi Arabia 831 3.6
72  Maldives 769 13.7
73  Macedonia, Republic of 738 6.8
74  Saint Kitts and Nevis 698 5.8
75  Saint Lucia 698 7.0
76  Belarus 688 5.6
77  Venezuela 683 5.4
78  Mauritius 681 5.5
79  Equatorial Guinea 658 1.9
80  Malaysia 621 4.3
81  Iran 613 5.5
82  Oman 600 2.1
83  Grenada 593 6.7
84  Dominica 584 6.0
85  Albania 569 6.8
86  Suriname 532 7.2
87  Colombia 517 5.9
88  Libya 502 3.0
89  Ukraine 502 6.8
90  Tunisia 500 6.4
91  Jordan 496 9.4
92  Cuba 495 12.0
93  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 486 5.2
94  Ecuador 466 5.7
95  Dominican Republic 465 5.6
96  Kazakhstan 444 3.9
97  Namibia 440 6.9
98  Nauru 440 14.0
99  Algeria 437 5.4
100  Georgia 433 8.7
101  El Salvador 410 6.0
102  Federated States of Micronesia 408 13.3
103  Azerbaijan 395 4.3
104  Gabon 384 2.6
105  Peru 381 4.5
106  Jamaica 364 4.8
107  Cook Islands 361 4.3
108  Thailand 328 4.1
109  Belize 323 4.5
110  Moldova 320 10.7
111  Guatemala 308 6.5
112  Kiribati 304 12.5
113  Swaziland 287 5.8
114  Paraguay 281 6.0
115  Tuvalu 266 9.7
116  China 265 4.3
117  Samoa 264 5.9
118  Bhutan 263 5.5
119  Egypt 261 4.8
120  Marshall Islands 251 14.0
121  Nicaragua 251 9.4
122  Honduras 248 6.3
123  Guyana 247 8.1
124  Morocco 231 5.3
125  Armenia 224 3.8
126  Vietnam 201 7.2
127  Bolivia 194 4.5
128  Tonga 194 5.0
129  Sri Lanka 187 4.1
130  Angola 183 3.3
131  Cape Verde 176 4.4
132  Vanuatu 170 3.9
133  Fiji 168 3.5
134  Djibouti 153 6.9
135  São Tomé and Príncipe 153 8.7
136  Sudan 147 6.9
137  Solomon Islands 139 5.3
138  Uzbekistan 134 4.9
139  Yemen 133 4.8
140  Mongolia 131 3.8
141  Philippines 129 3.7
142  Turkmenistan 124 1.9
143  Kyrgyzstan 123 5.7
144  Syria 123 3.1
145  India 122 4.2
146  Lesotho 119 7.6
147  Cambodia 118 5.7
148  Cameroon 117 5.3
149  Ghana 114 7.8
150  Nigeria 113 5.2
151  Timor-Leste 112 13.9
152  Uganda 112 7.8
153  Congo, Republic of the 108 2.7
154  Iraq 107 3.3
155  Sierra Leone 104 13.3
156  Rwanda 102 9.4
157  Senegal 102 5.7
158  Tajikistan 95 5.0
159  Indonesia 91 2.3
160  Côte d'Ivoire 88 5.4
161  Chad 86 6.4
162  Laos 84 4.0
163  Burkina Faso 82 5.9
164  Zambia 80 5.9
165  Gambia, The 75 5.5
166  Papua New Guinea 70 3.2
167  Togo 70 6.2
168  Haiti 69 6.1
169  Kenya 66 4.2
170  Nepal 66 6.0
171  Mali 65 5.6
172  Pakistan 62 2.6
173  Benin 61 4.1
174  Guinea 58 5.5
175  Afghanistan 57 7.4
176  Tanzania 57 4.5
177  Mauritania 54 2.6
178  Burundi 50 13.0
179  Malawi 49 9.1
180  Guinea-Bissau 48 8.6
181  Liberia 46 11.9
182  Madagascar 46 4.4
183  Bangladesh 44 3.3
184  Niger 40 5.9
186  Comoros 39 3.5
185  Mozambique 39 4.7
187  Ethiopia 37 4.3
188  Central African Republic 32 4.3
189  Burma 27 2.2
190  Congo, Democratic Republic of the 23 7.3
191  Eritrea 18 3.1

The World Health Organization's ranking of the world's health systems.
WHO World Health Report 

The World Health Organization's ranking of the world's health systems was last produced in 2000, and the WHO no longer produces such a ranking table, because of the complexity of the task.

    Rank       Country
    1         France
    2         Italy
    3         San Marino
    4         Andorra
    5         Malta
    6         Singapore
    7         Spain
    8         Oman
    9         Austria
    10        Japan
    11        Norway
    12        Portugal
    13        Monaco
    14        Greece
    15        Iceland
    16        Luxembourg
    17        Netherlands
    18        United  Kingdom
    19        Ireland
    20        Switzerland
    21        Belgium
    22        Colombia
    23        Sweden
    24        Cyprus
    25        Germany
    26        Saudi Arabia
    27        United  Arab  Emirates
    28        Israel
    29        Morocco
    30        Canada
    31        Finland
    32        Australia
    33        Chile
    34        Denmark
    35        Dominica
    36        Costa Rica
    37        United States of America 
    38        Slovenia
    39        Cuba
    40        Brunei
    41        New Zealand
    42        Bahrain
    43        Croatia
    44        Qatar
    45        Kuwait
    46        Barbados
    47        Thailand
    48        Czech Republic
    49        Malaysia
    50        Poland
    51        Dominican Republic
    52        Tunisia
    53        Jamaica
    54        Venezuela
    55        Albania
    56        Seychelles
    57        Paraguay
    58        South     Korea
    59        Senegal
    60        Philippines
    61        Mexico
    62        Slovakia
    63        Egypt
    64        Kazakhstan
    65        Uruguay
    66        Hungary
    67        Trinidad and Tobago
    68        Saint     Lucia
    69        Belize
    70        Turkey
    71        Nicaragua
    72        Belarus
    73        Lithuania
    74        Saint Vincent  and the   Grenadines
    75        Argentina
    76        Sri  Lanka
    77        Estonia
    78        Guatemala
    79        Ukraine
    80        Solomon   Islands
    81        Algeria
    82        Palau
    83        Jordan
    84        Mauritius
    85        Grenada
    86        Antigua   and Barbuda
    87        Libya
    88        Bangladesh
    89        Macedonia
    90        Bosnia-Herzegovina
    91        Lebanon
    92        Indonesia
    93        Iran
    94        Bahamas
    95        Panama
    96        Fiji
    97        Benin
    98        Nauru
    99        Romania
    100       Saint Kitts and Nevis
    101       Moldova
    102       Bulgaria
    103       Iraq
    104       Armenia
    105       Latvia
    106       Yugoslavia
    107       Cook Islands
    108       Syria
    109       Azerbaijan
    110       Suriname
    111       Ecuador
    112       India
    113       Cape Verde
    114       Georgia
    115       El   Salvador
    116       Tonga
    117       Uzbekistan
    118       Comoros
    119       Samoa
    120       Yemen
    121       Niue
    122       Pakistan
    123       Micronesia
    124       Bhutan
    125       Brazil
    126       Bolivia
    127       Vanuatu
    128       Guyana
    129       Peru
    130       Russia
    131       Honduras
    132       Burkina   Faso
    133       Sao Tome and Principe
    134       Sudan
    135       Ghana
    136       Tuvalu
    137       Ivory Coast
    138       Haiti
    139       Gabon
    140       Kenya
    141       Marshall Islands
    142       Kiribati
    143       Burundi
    144       China
    145       Mongolia
    146       Gambia
    147       Maldives
    148       Papua New Guinea
    149       Uganda
    150       Nepal
    151       Kyrgystan
    152       Togo
    153       Turkmenistan
    154       Tajikistan
    155       Zimbabwe
    156       Tanzania
    157       Djibouti
    158       Eritrea
    159       Madagascar
    160       Vietnam
    161       Guinea
    162       Mauritania
    163       Mali
    164       Cameroon
    165       Laos
    166       Congo
    167       North Korea
    168       Namibia
    169       Botswana
    170       Niger
    171       Equatorial Guinea
    172       Rwanda
    173       Afghanistan
    174       Cambodia
    175       South     Africa
    176       Guinea-Bissau
    177       Swaziland
    178       Chad
    179       Somalia
    180       Ethiopia
    181       Angola
    182       Zambia
    183       Lesotho
    184       Mozambique
    185       Malawi
    186       Liberia
    187       Nigeria
    188       Democratic Republic of   the Congo
    189       Central   African   Republic
    190       Myanmar

The following is a list of the 20 largest pharmaceutical and biotech companies ranked by healthcare revenue. Some companies (e.g., Bayer, Johnson and Johnson and Procter & Gamble) have additional revenue not included here. The phrase Big Pharma is often used to refer to companies with revenue in excess of $3 billion, and/or R&D expenditure in excess of $500 million.

Revenue Rank 2008[48] Company Country Total Revenues (USD millions) Healthcare R&D 2006 (USD millions) Net income/ (loss) 2006 (USD millions) Employees 2006
1 Pfizer USA 67,809 7,599 19,337 122,200
2 Novartis Switzerland 53,324 7,125 11,053 138,000
3 Merck & Co. USA 45,987 4,783 4,434 74,372
4 Bayer Germany 44,200 1,791 6,450 106,200
5 GlaxoSmithKline United Kingdom 42,813 6,373 10,135 106,000
6 Johnson and Johnson USA 37,020 5,349 7,202 102,695
7 Sanofi France 35,645 5,565 5,033 100,735
8 Hoffmann–La Roche Switzerland 33,547 5,258 7,318 100,289
9 AstraZeneca United Kingdom 26,475 3,902 6,063 50,000+
10 Abbott Laboratories USA 22,476 2,255 1,717 66,800
11 Bristol-Myers Squibb USA 17,914 3,067 1,585 60,000
12 Eli Lilly and Company USA 15,691 3,129 2,663 50,060
13 Amgen USA 14,268 3,366 2,950 48,000
14 Boehringer Ingelheim Germany 13,284 1,977 2,163 43,000
15 Schering-Plough USA 10,594 2,188 1,057 41,500
16 Baxter International USA 10,378 614 1,397 38,428
17 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Japan 10,284 1,620 2,870 15,000
18 Genentech USA 9,284 1,773 2,113 33,500
19 Procter & Gamble USA 8,964 n/a 10,340 29,258

497,519 70,843 110,077 1,342,700

24876 3542 5504 67135

Market leaders in terms of sales

The top 15 pharmaceutical companies by 2008 sales are:

Rank Company Sales ($M) Based/Headquartered in
1 Pfizer 43,363 United States
2 GlaxoSmithKline 36,506 United Kingdom
3 Novartis 36,506 Switzerland
4 Sanofi-Aventis 35,642 France
5 AstraZeneca 32,516 United Kingdom
6 Hoffmann–La Roche 30,336 Switzerland
7 Johnson & Johnson 29,425 United States
8 Merck & Co. 26,191 United States
9 Abbott 19,466 United States
10 Eli Lilly and Company 19,140 United States
11 Amgen 15,794 United States
12 Wyeth 15,682 United States
13 Bayer 15,660 Germany
14 Teva 15,274 Israel

This blog was written by Phillip Black, VP of Orlampa Enterprises, Inc. 
Orlampa Enterprises, Inc. specializes in helping individuals, groups, & companies lose sickness and find wellness through the implementation of science based wellness programs.

Orlampa Enterprises also helps health care professionals implement holistic wellness programs into their existing practices with the goal to educate both the health care providers, their staffs, and the patients. The programs, which provide the health care professional with a substantial additional income stream in this ever changing medical marketplace, allow the patient to achieve true wellness instead of receiving a traditional treatment for symptoms.

Orlampa Enterprises is an internet based product broker specializing in personalized health and wellness related services. Orlampa Enterprises is primed to continue its growth by duplicating its successful business model of educating, training, and developing entrepreneurial leaders as business partners. As an Unfranchise™ business owner, Orlampa Enterprises, proudly utilizes highly researched products including nutraMetrix® nutritional supplements. 

 Orlampa Enterprises' motto is "Eat well, exercise, and supplement intelligently."

Contact Phillip at to obtain more information about nutraMetrix® partnership opportunities available.