Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Diabetes control requires the proper nutrients

Courtesy of Natural News
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 
by: Derrell Jones

Disturbingly, diabetes kills more people in America than breast cancer and AIDS combined. The World Health Organization anticipates that by 2030, over 360 million people will have diabetes. If you wish to avoid diabetes or you currently have diabetes and wish to slow or stop its progression, then proper nutrient support is imperative. The nutrients and what foods to find them in are emphasized below.

The powerful usual suspects

B Vitamin Complex: B Vitamins are extremely important especially to diabetics but two are of particular help. Daily intake of vitamin B6 can reduce the need for insulin. Dr. John Ellis, M.D. found that a normal blood sugar level was regained when 100 mg of B6 was taken daily. Biotin, another vitamin in the complex, works with insulin in assisting the body in the utilization of glucose. Biotin is also instrumental in preventing or reversing peripheral neuropathy in diabetics. A person can find these in foods such as turkey, dark meat chicken, beef and chicken livers, mushrooms, oats, and avocado to name a few.

Vitamin C:
Diabetics tend to be susceptible to infections. Vitamin C's antioxidant powers can help combat that. Also, vitamin C helps the body to form collagen which is important for vascular health delaying or preventing vascular complications. Deficiencies have led to a decreased production of insulin producing cells in the pancreas. Vitamin C can be found in foods such as broccoli, spinach, cabbage, mangoes, asparagus, cantaloupe, and citrus fruits for example.

Vitamin E: Frequently, diabetics suffer from damage to their eyes and kidneys. Vitamin E assists in preventing this damage because it is a powerful anticoagulant which reduces stress to the vascular regions of these vital organs/organelles. The following are foods which contain vitamin E: Spinach, almonds, peanuts, broccoli, mangoes, kiwi fruit and tomatoes.

Magnesium and Potassium: When the body is deficient in these two nutrients, glucose intolerance is likely. This leads to organ and nerve damage. Magnesium serves as a supporter and protector of the cardiovascular system. It helps to widen blood vessels and also reduces circulating cholesterol in the bloodstream. Potassium deficiencies can occur from the insulin support given to diabetics. Ironically, lowered potassium levels lead to poor insulin sensitivity, responsiveness and secretion exacerbating diabetic complications. You can find magnesium in nuts, seeds, whole unrefined grains, and green vegetables like spinach. Potassium can be found in bananas, apricots, dates, chicken, fish, turkey and so on.

Important but lesser known nutrients

Chromium: Whenever glucose or insulin enters the bloodstream, chromium goes right to work unless the body's reserves are low. Chromium deficiency in the average western diet means the body cannot replenish what is lost during the ordinary course of business. Add to that the fact that refined sugars strip the body of chromium adverse health conditions like diabetes is more likely. Chromium helps to normalize blood glucose levels and decreases insulin resistance. It can be found in many foods like beef liver, whole wheat or rye bread, chicken, potatoes and eggs just to name a few.

Alpha-Lipoic acid: Alpha-lipoic acid has been demonstrated to help increase the use of glucose by cells and lower insulin resistance. In fact, alpha-lipoic acid has proven to be so effective for diabetes treatment that it has been prescribed by German doctors for the last 30 years.

There are additional nutrients that are of great benefit to diabetics such as vanadium, zinc, coenzyme Q10 and essential fatty acids. Speak to a trusted healthcare provider to help create a plan that will optimize your health through proper nutrient intake.


Although supplements are important, Orlampa Enterprises always states that a person must "eat well, exercise, and supplement intelligently."  By eating well, a person with diabetes MUST eat well. We strongly suggest that someone with diabetes understand the glycemic index of foods.  The glycemic index (or GI) measures how fast and how high blood sugar levels rise after consuming foods that contain carbohydrates. White bread, for example, is a high glycemic index food and is converted almost immediately to glucose, causing blood sugar levels to spike rapidly and potentially triggering the body to store some of the calories as fat.

Different types of carbohydrates are processed differently by the body and, consequently, have different effects on blood glucose levels. The glycemic index ranks carbohydrate-rich foods according to their effect on blood glucose levels. The best sources of carbohydrates – fruits, vegetables and whole grains – deliver essential vitamins and minerals, fiber and a host of important phytonutrients, all while having minimal impact on blood sugar.

As stated above, exercise is also a key component to obtaining optimal health.  Would you be interested in learning about a low glycemic lifestyle?  Click here.  Orlampa Enterprises helps individuals (and groups) find their fit!   

Orlampa Enterprises, Inc. specializes in helping individuals lose sickness and find wellness.  
Orlampa Enterprises also helps health care professionals implement holistic wellness programs into their existing practice with the goal to educate both the health care provider and the patient. The programs, which provide the health care professional with a substantial additional income stream in this ever changing medical marketplace, allow the patient to achieve true wellness instead of receiving a traditional treatment for symptoms.

Orlampa Enterprises is an internet based product broker specializing in personalized health and wellness related services. Orlampa Enterprises is primed to continue its growth by duplicating its successful business model of educating, training, and developing entrepreneurial leaders as business partners. As an Unfranchise™ business owner, Orlampa Enterprises, proudly utilizes highly researched products including nutraMetrix® nutritional supplements. 

 Orlampa Enterprises' motto is "Eat well, exercise, and supplement intelligently."

Contact Beth at or 727.492.8212 for more information about nutraMetrix® partnership opportunities available.

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